beginR: Joining and Reshaping with tidyr

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Data derived from Brazilian E-Commerce Public Dataset by Olist provided on under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.


This workshop covers topics from:

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

  • Joining / Merging datasets
    • bind_rows and bind_cols
    • inner_join
    • “Outer Joins” - full_join,left_join,right_join
  • Reshaping data
    • pivot_longer
    • pivot_wider


In most of our lessons so far, we’ve typically focused on a single dataset. This week, we’ll cover different methods for combining multiple datasets and transforming the shape of our data.

When using data that includes similar observational units collected by different sources, we will often find ourselves with multiple datasets that need to be combined before we can begin analysis. For example, if we wanted to gather various pieces of information for all of the countries in the world, we’d need to merge or join multiple datasets coming from the UN, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, etc. Or, we may simply need to add observations to an existing dataset (e.g. if we have multiple datasets coming from the World Bank, but each dataset only covers a single year.)

In other cases, we might need to reshape data we already have to make it more appropriate for other software, for analysis, or easier to use within R. If you’re planning to export data from R to another software package, you may need a particular format. For example, mapping software like ArcGIS needs each row of a dataset to represent a geographic location.

Merging / Joining Dataframes


Sometimes we’ll have two datasets with similar columns that we need to combine. Essentially, we are stacking the rows of those datasets on top of each other. We can combine rows in dplyr with bind_rows:

Dataset 1

a0 <- data.frame("StudentID"=c(1,2),

  StudentID GPA_change
1         1   1.535525
2         2  -1.284444

Dataset 2

a1 <- data.frame("StudentID"=c(3,4),

  StudentID GPA_change Semester
1         3   0.247410   Spring
2         4   1.380659     Fall

Datasets combined

  StudentID GPA_change Semester
1         1   1.535525     <NA>
2         2  -1.284444     <NA>
3         3   0.247410   Spring
4         4   1.380659     Fall

When we refer to merging or joining, we usually do not mean appending or adding observations to a dataset in this way. Instead, joining usuallly intends to add columns or variables to our dataframe. R does have a bind_cols function, but in the context below, using bind_cols is unhelpful and results in mismatched records.

b0 <- data.frame("name"=c("Marcos","Crystal"),

b1 <- data.frame("name"=c("Crystal","Marcos"),

New names:
• `name` -> `name...1`
• `name` -> `name...3`
  name...1 year name...3 project_num
1   Marcos 1993  Crystal           6
2  Crystal 1996   Marcos           3

Instead, we want to add columns while making sure certain identifying variables, often called keys (e.g. name and name1 above) line up correctly. That way, each row represents information about a single observational unit.



To properly line up observations between two datasets, we need a common variable (or group of variables) that uniquely identifies an observation in at least one of the datasets, and identifies it in the same way across both datasets. This variable is usually called a “key”. In our example above, b0 and b1 have the key “name”.

     name year
1  Marcos 1993
2 Crystal 1996
     name project_num
1 Crystal           6
2  Marcos           3

Once we have matching key variable(s) in our datasets, we can join our datasets into consistent observations. There are two major categories of joins - “Inner Joins” and “Outer Joins”.

Types of Joins

We need several different types of joins to facillitate the different ways datasets are organized.

Join Type Want to keep Function
Inner Join Only the rows in both datasets inner_join()
Full (Outer) Join All of the rows full_join()
Left (Outer) Join All of the rows in the first (left) dataset, only the matches from the second (right) dataset left_join()
Right (Outer) Join All of the rows in the second (left) dataset, only the matches from the first (right) dataset right_join()

The join types can be represented as Venn Diagrams. The lighter parts of the circles represent unmatched records we are leaving out of the join, while the darker parts represent both matched and unmached records we are keeping in the join.

Take a look at these two datasets:

b0 <- data.frame("name"=c("Marcos","Crystal","Devin","Lilly"),

b1 <- data.frame("person"=c("Marcos","Crystal","Devin","Tamera"),
     name year
1  Marcos 1993
2 Crystal 1996
3   Devin 1985
4   Lilly 2001
   person project_num
1  Marcos           6
2 Crystal           3
3   Devin           9
4  Tamera           8

Now, let’s merge them using each of the different join types.

Inner Join

     name year project_num
1  Marcos 1993           6
2 Crystal 1996           3
3   Devin 1985           9

Outer Joins

     name year project_num
1  Marcos 1993           6
2 Crystal 1996           3
3   Devin 1985           9
4   Lilly 2001          NA
5  Tamera   NA           8
     name year project_num
1  Marcos 1993           6
2 Crystal 1996           3
3   Devin 1985           9
4   Lilly 2001          NA
     name year project_num
1  Marcos 1993           6
2 Crystal 1996           3
3   Devin 1985           9
4  Tamera   NA           8

Note: All of these join functions come from the dplyr package, so we can use them with pipes ( %>% )


Multiple Keys

In some cases, we may need multiple keys to uniquely identify an observation. For example, our datasets below have two different observations for each person, so we need to join them by both name and year.

multi0 <- data.frame("name"=c("Tamera","Zakir","Zakir","Tamera"),

multi1 <- data.frame("person"=c("Tamera","Zakir","Zakir","Tamera"),

multijoined <- inner_join(multi0,multi1,

    name year state project_num
1 Tamera 1990    NC           6
2  Zakir 1990    VA           3
3  Zakir 1991    VA           9
4 Tamera 1991    NY           8

Many-to-one and One-to-many Joins

If we only specify enough key variables to uniquely identify observations in one dataset and not the other, each unique value from the first dataset will be joined to each instance of that value in the other dataset.

statedata <- data.frame("state"=c("NC","VA","NY"),

  state    region   name year project_num
1    NC Southeast Tamera 1990           6
2    VA Southeast  Zakir 1990           3
3    VA Southeast  Zakir 1991           9
4    NY Northeast Tamera 1991           8

Note: We can equivalently omit by=c("state"="state") since the key variables have the same name here.

Reshaping with tidyr

Once we have a single dataset, we may still need to change its shape. When we talk about the shape of a dataset, we are often referring to whether it is wide or long.

  • Wide dataset - typically includes more columns and fewer rows with a single row for each observation

  • Long dataset - typically includes fewer columns and more rows with multiple rows for each observation

The many functions used in R for changing a datasets’ shape have varied over the years along with the terminology (e.g. “reshape”, “melt”, “cast”, “tidy”, “gather”, “spread”, “pivot”, etc.) We will now be working with the new reshaping functions recommended by tidyverse, pivot_longer() and pivot_wider().

Hadley Wickham’s Tidy Data provides more discussion of what “Tidy Data” entails and why it’s useful in data analysis.

Use Case: Making ggplot easier

Why reshape when we have perfectly good data? Sometimes R’s own functions are more convenient with reshaped data. Consider the dataset below in which we’ve generated random numbers for columns A and B.


df0 <- data.frame(year=c(2000,2001,2002),

  year         A        B
1 2000  5.751550 17.66035
2 2001 15.766103 18.80935
3 2002  8.179538  0.91113

Now we want to create a line plot in which each column has its own line. Because our dataset is wide, we’ll need to add each line to the plot separately and individually.

ggplot(data=df0,aes(x=year)) +
  geom_line(aes(y=A),color="red") +
  geom_line(aes(y=B),color="blue") + 

However, if we were using a long dataset, we could create the plot with less code. Note how our dataset below has a single column for categories A and B.

df1 <- data.frame(year=c(df0$year,df0$year),

  year category     value
1 2000        A  5.751550
2 2001        A 15.766103
3 2002        A  8.179538
4 2000        B 17.660348
5 2001        B 18.809346
6 2002        B  0.911130

And for our plot, we only need to add a single geom_line while using the category column for our color aesthetic.


This may not seem like much of a big deal for this particular plot, but what if we were trying to plot hundreds of lines?

We can move back and forth between the long shape used by df1 and the wide shape used by df0 with tidyr’s pivot_longer and pivot_wider functions.


First, let’s create a small example dataset with four columns of randomly generated numbers.


raw <- data.frame(
  City=c("Raleigh","Durham","Chapel Hill"),

         City      x2000      x2001      x2002      x2003
1     Raleigh -0.5604756 0.07050839  0.4609162 -0.4456620
2      Durham -0.2301775 0.12928774 -1.2650612  1.2240818
3 Chapel Hill  1.5587083 1.71506499 -0.6868529  0.3598138

x2000 through x2003 represent something measured in 2000 to 2003, since R data.frames cannot have labels that start with numbers.

In the dataset above, we have information stored in separate columns for each year, but it might be more useful to store the year number itself in its own column. We can use the pivot_longer function to do this.

pivot_longer takes four main arguments:

  1. data: this must be a data frame.

  2. cols: a list of column names that we want to pivot into a single column.

  3. names_to: the name of the new column that will contain the names of the columns we are pivoting.

  4. values_to: the name of another new column that will contain values of the columns we are pivoting.

We can also use various other arguments with pivot_longer that allow us to do a number of handy things. For example, the names_prefix argument lets us remove the “x” in front of our year names. Run ?pivot_longer in your console for a full list of arguments that can be used.

longpivot <- raw %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("x"), 
               names_to = "Year", 
               values_to = "Value", 
               names_prefix = "x")

# A tibble: 12 × 3
   City        Year    Value
   <chr>       <chr>   <dbl>
 1 Raleigh     2000  -0.560 
 2 Raleigh     2001   0.0705
 3 Raleigh     2002   0.461 
 4 Raleigh     2003  -0.446 
 5 Durham      2000  -0.230 
 6 Durham      2001   0.129 
 7 Durham      2002  -1.27  
 8 Durham      2003   1.22  
 9 Chapel Hill 2000   1.56  
10 Chapel Hill 2001   1.72  
11 Chapel Hill 2002  -0.687 
12 Chapel Hill 2003   0.360 

It’s often useful to think about how transformations like pivot_longer change the effective observational unit of the dataset. This dataset started with city-level observations in which each row was represented by a unique city name. The transformed data frame longpivot now observes one city in a given year in each row, so we now have multiple rows for the same city.


We can reverse our previous transformation with pivot_wider. This time, we’ll create a separate column for each city.

pivot_wider takes three essential arguments:

  1. data

  2. names_from: the column whose values we’ll use to create new column names.

  3. values_from: another column whose values we’ll use to fill the new columns.

widepivot <- longpivot %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = City, values_from = Value)

# A tibble: 4 × 4
  Year  Raleigh Durham `Chapel Hill`
  <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>         <dbl>
1 2000  -0.560  -0.230         1.56 
2 2001   0.0705  0.129         1.72 
3 2002   0.461  -1.27         -0.687
4 2003  -0.446   1.22          0.360

Why would we want each city to have its own column? Well, it might be a useful step to determine which cities are most closely correlated as part of an Exploratory Data Analysis process. For example, we can now easily use this dataset with ggally to create a plot matrix.


widepivot %>% 
  select("Chapel Hill","Durham","Raleigh") %>% 


All of today’s exercises involve the datasets included in

  1. Read olist_public_dataset_v2.csv into R. Explore the dataset. If necessary, refer to the metadata provided here.

  2. Read product_category_name_translation.csv into R. Merge this dataframe into olist_public_dataset_v2.csv using product_category_name as the key variable.

    Let’s explore which products are most frequently purchased together:

  3. Use group_by and summarize to find the total order_items_qty for each product_category_name_english in each customer state. Review

  4. Use pivot_wider to create a new dataframe with a row for each customer_state and a column for each product_category_name_english. Name this dataframe products.

  5. Run the two lines of code below (make sure your dataframe from step 4 is called products!)

    products <- ungroup(products) #remove grouping 
    products[] <- 0 #replace missing data with zeroes
  6. Use ggpairs or other Exploratory Data Analysis techniques to look for relationships between purchases of small_appliances,consoles_games,air_conditioning, and construction_tools_safety. (Remember to run library(GGally) before using ggpairs).

  7. Repeat problems 3-6 with order_products_value (i.e. the amount spent vs the quantity purchased). Do you see different patterns? Explore other product categories.

  8. Use pivot_longer and then pivot_wider to convert your products dataframe to one where each row is a different product_category_name_english and each column represents a different customer_state.

  9. Choose 5 states. Which of these states have the most similar patterns of spending (as measured by correlation)?